I need to digress for just a moment and talk about these two phenomenal ladies I have in my life. Actually to digress even further - I can't mention these two without talking about Pears, the other corner of this foursome. These three ladies have been a constant in my life for the last six (whoa!) years, and I can't imagine my life without them. We all taught at YES Prep together, and it is impossible for me to think about my life in Houston without thinking of them - they were staples, both professionally and personally. They were the ones who were in the teacher's lounge with me at 6am planning our lessons and stayed until 9pm some nights grading and laughing and making gigantic plans as how to change the world. And they were the ones who showed up at my house and packed up everything I owned while I laid on the floor with my foot bleeding the day before I was leaving for Ghana / grad school. 

Without exception, every single time we see each other I leave inspired, uplifted, and excited about life. We know each other so well -we know all of each other's strengths and weaknesses, and since we've been such close friends but also worked together, we know what lights each other up and what weighs each one down. We talk about huge ideas but also crazy body issues, boys and love and loss, fears and joys and religion and plans and failures and.. you see the point.

I love them. My life wouldn't be the same without them.
So yesterday, three of the four of us (missing Pearsy the whole way!) went to Maine to eat a lobster. Its on my bucket list. And who knew.. Maine isn't even that far away! So Rach came up here, we drove to Kate in Cambridge, and before the sun even set, we were in that elusive most north-eastern state in the union!
Check it off the list!! And don't forget the bib...
Rachael even tried lobster for the FIRST TIME! :)
Maybe her first and last... :)
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