I had the most wonderful morning - I spent most of my time talking to one of the teachers, who is 22. She was one of the only people there who could speak English easily, and she was SO excited to talk with me. It turns out that she visited the US a couple of years ago on a language -learning scholarship through BYU - go figure! Her impressions of Utah, Mormons, and the USA in general were hilarious and insitful.
After about an hour of visiting, she asked me to come with her to teach her English class. It was a complete disaster of a class - the kids were all over the place.. but I loved every minute.
the first book i ever read in college was about a bedouin named Lila Aboulougod (misspelled) and it was amazing.
The Bedouin people have a special reputation. I'll tell you about it later.
But most importantly is the fact that you are still able to bless others and use your teaching skills in which you invested. It reminds me that no past experience has to be lost. How wonderful is that! And you're still connecting with kids.
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