I'm reading The End of Food by Paul Roberts.
And I think everyone else should too.
It is soooo interesting - I can't believe how little I actually know about where the food I buy in the grocery stores comes from - and how many of the big food brands are actually owned by the same companies.
It is especially interesting to me since I am from an agricultural area and have family in farming and ranching. This book addresses how little of the money we pay for food in the grocery stores or restaurants actually goes to the producers of the food.
I'm now super excited to get home and talk to my grandparents to find out more about what is going on.
Anyway, its fascinating.
PS - after you read this you will probably never be able to eat processed food again. Just a warning.
Come on home to where some of that food is grown and those cows are milked........
Sounds like it touches on the effects of hypercapitalism on agriculture and farming. Interesting. . .
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