pandora radio
rocks my world. seriously.

my life is... so up in the air right now... but some exciting ventures are coming together
rocks my world. seriously.

my life is... so up in the air right now... but some exciting ventures are coming together

grey's anatomy
i started watching this in kenya on the 'rough days' -- kelli brought her sainted hard drive with all sorts of wonderful things on it that got us through the nights that followed the days of walking through feces. anyway, i'm hooked. thursday nights = grey's.
i started watching this in kenya on the 'rough days' -- kelli brought her sainted hard drive with all sorts of wonderful things on it that got us through the nights that followed the days of walking through feces. anyway, i'm hooked. thursday nights = grey's.

ginger soda
for real, i can't get enough.
ginger anything, really.
for real, i can't get enough.
ginger anything, really.

sometimes i forget to breathe.
especially when i start worrying about what is next, which happens A LOT lately.
So, breathing/meditating is my new friend. Usually this lasts about 1 minute at a time, but my amazing friend jen and i meditated for 20 whole minutes straight together!

my mom and i are doing this big time. it feels SO GOOD to purge STUFF.
My goal is to only have as much as will fit in my car.

reading made to stick
i was supposed to read this when i was a teacher
but... i think i was too busy working 90 hour weeks
so i'm reading it now
and it is SO GOOD!
i was supposed to read this when i was a teacher
but... i think i was too busy working 90 hour weeks
so i'm reading it now
and it is SO GOOD!

i loved donald millers new book. although i didnt get into it in the beginning i pushed on. then it just hit me and i read it all in about 3 hours. it was glorious. want me to send it to you?
i am also loving taking hot tea and turning it in to cold, sweet tea.
i am loving making fries out of sweet potatoes.
i am loving the stories about families who have been waiting years to get their children home from haiti through adoption and a lot are coming home right now!!!
Ooh-I love Pandora too....especially when I'm working at my computer! And what are your upcoming plans? Ever look in OKC? :) And I was waiting for the, "no/yes," that we talked about in Snowflake. AND-what kind of camera did you get? AND I too love Grey's....I am about eight, yeah eight episodes behind but I'm getting caught up. I love too many tv shows. One final and....glad you are picking up the piano again so that when my daughter asks YOU to play the duet with her at the next family function-you will!
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