Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Explaining the US elections...

The first few months I was in South Africa, I hardly had a conversation with a South African without having to discuss the American elections. They wanted to know... Clinton or Obama? Who am I going to vote for? Is America ready for a woman president? A black president? Could a Republican win again? I explained the primary situation over and over... and over and over.

Now I'm starting to think that maybe even I don't have that good of a grip over what is going on. Those of you in America, help me out! WHAT in the world is going on? I hungrily opened the news this morning hoping to see... I don't know what.... about the Pennsylvania primary, and instead, all I am seeing is a ridiculous amount of the exact same thing. What are your thoughts? Is this going to be decided before August? Is anything progressing over there or is it as confusing as it is over here? Help!


Kent said...

Polls show Hillary gets support from a majority of women, Hispanics and white middle class laborers. Obama receives votes from a majority of folks with higher incomes, those under 30 and a huge majority (90%) of the African American vote. In other words, the traditional Democrat base is pretty evenly split. Conventional wisdom is that if Hillary doesn't win Indiana in 2 weeks, it's probably over for her. Otherwise, there will be a lot of pressure for the remaining undeclared "super delegates" (party insiders and elected officials who are free to vote for anyone) to declare by the end of June so that the nominee is known before the end of the summer. Even now, Hillary's only real hope is to hang on and convince the super delegates that she is more electable than Obama, since there is little chance that she can overcome Obama's lead in elected delegates, (the Democrats don't have winner take all primaries, so even when she wins a state, she only picks up a handful of delegates more than Obama). No one in the U.S. can figure out why and how the Democrats figured out this system, so I can't imagine how anyone over there could understand it.

luke said...

Good summary Kent.