Monday, March 10, 2008

Sad today

Last night I watched Last King of Scotland with my room mates, and this morning for our anthropology class we watched Hotel Rwanda.

Its ironic that two American-made movies (both of which I watch in the US) have become so much more relevant to me in South Africa. The horror of genocide becomes more and more real the more I understand what ignites it.

I have also found that I have become incredibly sensitive to violence in movies - it didn't used to faze me - but the more I learn about the reality of violence, the less I am able to watch it being simulated. Last night when I went to bed after watching Last King of Scotland I laid there for about an hour feeling sick to my stomach.

I am riding an emotional roller-coaster, some days feeling exuberent, amazed and hopeful about how this country is coping with its oppressive past, and then days like today, just overwhelmed and sad.

Not exactly the most happy beginning to a new week.

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